Here are all known Sousa Mendes Visa Recipients Associated with Chile either by Birth, By Nationality, or by Permanent Residence Prior to June 1940
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SELECT DISTINCT P.*, family_slug
FROM sd_rel_people_countries RPC
LEFT JOIN sd_people P on P.person_id = RPC.person_id_fk
SELECT family_id_fk, person_id_fk
FROM sd_rel_people_families
WHERE primary_family = 1
) PF on PF.person_id_fk = P.person_id
LEFT JOIN sd_families F on F.family_id = PF.family_id_fk
WHERE RPC.country_id_fk = 56
AND P.person_id is not null
AND P.dont_show = 0
AND P.is_deleted = 0
AND F.status_id_fk <> 2
Order By last_name, first_name