Caught within the ever-approaching steel jaws of Nazi exterminators, a nineteen-year-old German Jewish girl Leah Steppel keeps a diary as she and her family desperately flee Europe for their lives. Across European countries, they endured to preserve their lives one hour, one day at a time — always one step ahead. In June of 2017, Leah’s daughter Rebecca Steppel Barber and her husband Sandy Barber journeyed with other descendants saved by the Righteous Gentile, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, as they recreated the flight for life beginning in Bordeaux and concluding in Lisbon, Portugal. Led by the Sousa Mendes Foundation, many of the travelers were able to find exact locations their parents and grandparents walked, hid or lived while waiting for passports and safe passage. An amazing insight into little-known World War II history!
Doors open 9:30 a.m. for light refreshments. Presentation begins at 10 a.m.