Visa Recipients
- BOVY, Huguette Helène
Age 30 | Visa #1271 - MERZ, Grete P
Age 21 - PERROY, Bernard
Age 5 - PERROY, Chantal
Age 9 - PERROY, Christiane
Age 8 - PERROY, Henry Jean A
Visa #882 - PERROY, Jeanne Marguerite Marie née GOYET P
Age 32 - PERROY, Marie-France
Age Infant - PERROY, Olivier
Age 3
About the Family
The PERROY family, Huguette Helène BOVY and Grete MERZ received visas from Aristides de Sousa Mendes in Bordeaux on May 18 and June 7, 1940.
The group crossed into Portugal and emigrated to Brazil, sailing on the vessel Serpa Pinto in August 1940.
Huguette Helène BOVY was Henry Jean PERROY's secretary, and Grete MERZ was the governess of his children.
- Photos
- Artifacts