Visa Recipient
- PICK, Rose Mary née FISCHER A
Age 28
About the Individual
Rose PICK was living in Porto in the summer of 1940, presumably after having received a visa from Aristides de Sousa Mendes.
- Artifacts

Rose PICK letter to Marie FEILENDORF verso
Dear Aunt Mitzi, Many thanks for your note of the 4th, which I received yesterday. A week ago I moved from Curia to Porto. My address is on the other side. Many greetings from my parents. The Baumwalds have also come back, only Kurt is sick and in the hospital. I just learned Stefan's address today, that of his wife as well. The parents were beside themselves, but they're both doing OK. My boy is still in Switzerland but is supposed to be brought here in the next few weeks, since we all want to follow Pappi. He misses us a lot and has arranged everything so that we can join him without delay. Please write to me here again. I look forward to hearing from you. Greet Aunt Riki and the children, and have a big hug from your Rosy