This film and discussion program tells the extraordinary unsung story of how the Jewish resistance in Algeria, led by José Aboulker, ushered in the Allied capture of North Africa in November of 1942. This was the first major Allied victory of World War II (codename: “Operation Torch”) — an event that changed the course of the war and saved the Jews of North Africa from potential deportation. The film Shadows of Freedom tells the dramatic true story.
⇒ May 17-20, watch the film Shadows of Freedom on your home device. A link will be provided to all who register.
⇒ Sunday, May 19 at 4:00 p.m. US Eastern Time, tune into the program with our distinguished panel of speakers. A link will be provided to all who register.
Filmmaker and composer Amos Carlen (left) is an alumnus of the University of Toronto, the Berklee School of Music and The Academy of Design. Films he has been a part of have been screened at Cannes, Sundance and the Toronto International Film Festival. His music has appeared on the Grammys, the Emmys and multiple TV shows including Big Love (HBO), VICE docs, Access Hollywood (NBC/Universal), Catfish (MTV), Two Broke Girls (NBC) and Care Bears: Big Wish, to name just a few. His most recent documentary, Shadows of Freedom, co-directed by Aline Robichaud, was an official selection of the Toronto Jewish Film Festival.
Dr. Robert Satloff (right) is the Segal Executive Director of The Washington Institute and the Institute’s Howard P. Berkowitz Chair in U.S. Middle East Policy. He is the author of Among the Righteous: Lost Stories of the Holocaust’s Reach into Arab Lands. He serves as advisor to the director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Middle East initiatives, including service as vice-chair of the Museum’s Committee on Holocaust Denial and State-Sponsored Anti-Semitism. This has included breakthroughs in Holocaust awareness and recognition in countries from Morocco to Egypt to the United Arab Emirates. He is the creator and host of Dakhil Washington (“Inside Washington”), a weekly news and interview program broadcast throughout the Arab world.
Dr. Jud Newborn (left, moderator) was the Founding Historian of New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage and is co-author of the acclaimed Sophie Scholl and the White Rose. A dramatic multimedia lecturer, he has spoken throughout North America, at the UN and worldwide. He was awarded his PhD with Distinction by the University of Chicago following three years of adventurous fieldwork as a Fulbright and Woodrow Wilson National Fellow, including hunting down former SS officers and working undercover during communist martial law in Poland. He was honored with the Anne Frank Center’s prestigious “Spirit of Anne Frank Award” and is the Emmy Award-winning Producer of Special Programs for Long Island’s Cinema Arts Centre.
Registration for this program is closed.