This film-and-discussion program tells the story of how a group of young Jewish women in the British Isles, known as the “35s” because of their median age, began the international movement to rescue persecuted “refusenik” Jews from the Soviet Union. In the new film Iron Ladies, these remarkable women share their untold story on film, joined by Natan Sharansky and others.
⇒ April 4-7, watch the film Iron Ladies on your home device. A link will be provided to all who register.
⇒ Sunday, April 6 at 2:00 p.m. US Eastern Time, tune into the program with our distinguished panel of speakers. A link will be provided to all who register.
Roger Childs is the Senior Production Executive and Commissioning Editor of Religious Content at Ireland’s national broadcaster, RTÉ and he is the Producer of the film Iron Ladies. A graduate of Cambridge University, he has over 30 years’ experience as a producer, executive producer and commissioning editor, delivering a wide variety of award-winning content across many genres and all media, for broadcasters including the BBC, Channel 4 (UK), ARTE (Europe), PBS (USA), ABC (Australia) and RTÉ (Ireland).