In this film produced by the NOVA science series and directed by Paula S. Apsell, cutting-edge technology reveals a Holocaust escape tunnel where survivors dug their way to freedom outside Vilnius, Lithuania.
⇒ March 7-10, watch the film Holocaust Escape Tunnel on your home device. A link will be provided to all who register.
⇒ Sunday, March 9 at 4:00 p.m. US Eastern Time, tune into the program with our distinguished panel of speakers. A link will be provided to all who register.
Paula S. Apsell got her start in broadcasting at WGBH Boston, where she joined NOVA, a documentary series that has set the standard for science programming. In 1985, she was asked to take over the reins at NOVA which she then ran for 33 years. During her tenure, NOVA won every major broadcasting award, most many times over. She has been recognized with numerous individual awards for her work, including the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Emmy. She holds honorary doctorates from Southern Methodist University and Dickinson College. She founded Leading Edge Productions to make documentaries of scientific, cultural, and historical importance. She has now completed a feature documentary about Jewish resistance during the Holocaust entitled Resistance – They Fought Back.
Registration for this program will open at a later date.