In this touching program, author Peter Hellman tells the story of the Holocaust rescuer Leokadia Jaromirska, Righteous Among the Nations. She rescued Shifra, a Jewish baby girl who had been abandoned near the fence of a convent in Poland and sheltered her during the war, sometimes in very perilous circumstances. Today, Shifra Ivri is in her 80s and lives in Israel. Before the program, see the touching film The Courage to Care, narrated by Elie Wiesel, about rescue throughout Europe during the Holocaust.
⇒ April 19-22, watch the film The Courage to Care on your home device. A link will be provided to all who register.
⇒ Sunday, April 21 at 2:00 p.m. US Eastern Time, tune into the program with our distinguished panel of speakers. A link will be provided to all who register.
Omer Kotzer (left) is the Chief Design Officer of Nuance Audio, a Tel Aviv-based startup, and the son of the little girl in the story, Shifra Ivri. He has told his mother’s story to numerous audiences. He met his mother’s rescuer, Leokadia Jaromirska, and heard many stories about her from his mother and grandfather, who reunited with Shifra after the war. A Bezalel Academy of Art & Design graduate in industrial design, he participated in an exchange program at the Parsons School of Design and Columbia University Business School.
Peter Hellman (right) is a journalist and author of seven books, including When Courage was Stronger than Fear, which profiles Christian and Muslim rescuers of Jews from countries under Nazi thrall. Originally published in 1980 as Avenue of the Righteous, after the tree-lined path at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem that honors rescuers, the book has gone through multiple American editions as well as British, Italian, Dutch, Polish, and Hebrew editions. The book includes an early description in English of the heroism of Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Portuguese Consul in Bordeaux in 1940. Hellman also wrote the text for The Auschwitz Album, reproducing the only known photographs showing newly arriving Jewish deportees at the killing camp in the spring of 1944. He lives in New York.
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