The U.S. and the Holocaust is a three-part, six-hour PBS series directed by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein, that examines America’s response to one of the greatest humanitarian crises of the twentieth century. Americans consider themselves a “nation of immigrants,” but as the catastrophe of the Holocaust unfolded in Europe, the United States proved unwilling to open its doors to more than a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of desperate people seeking refuge. Through riveting firsthand testimony of witnesses and survivors who as children endured persecution, violence and flight as their families tried to escape Hitler, this series delves deeply into the tragic human consequences of public indifference, bureaucratic red tape and restrictive quota laws in America. Did the nation fail to live up to its ideals? This is a history to be reckoned with.
⇒ September 18, 19, 20, watch the film The U.S. and the Holocaust on your local PBS station, or record the episodes for later viewing (3 episodes, 2 hours each over three nights).
⇒ Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m. US Eastern Time, tune into the program with our distinguished panel of guests. A link will be provided to all who register.
Dr. Rafael Medoff (right) is the founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and the author of more than 20 books about the Holocaust, Zionism, and American Jewish history. Dr. Medoff has taught Jewish history at Ohio State University, Purchase College of the State University of New York, and (currently) Yeshiva University. He is a Fellow of the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research at Bar-Ilan University. His latest book is America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History (Jewish Publication Society & University of Nebraska Press).
Marty Ostrow (left) is a producer, writer and director for public, commercial and cable television. His award-winning films include America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference, for the PBS series The American Experience. His many films about science for NOVA, PBS and the Discovery Channel include Race to Save the Planet, the first large-scale PBS effort to bring environmental concerns to national consciousness and Renewal, the first documentary to tell the stories of America’s growing religious-environmental movement. In addition, his Public Television films about the arts have earned him three Emmy Awards. Marty’s films have been seen in festivals around the world.
Registration for this program is closed.